The node table heading menus You can change the attribute shown in a table column by using the corresponding “node table heading” menu. These menus pop up when you click inside the column headings. To display a particular node attribute in a column, select the corresponding menu item in the node table heading menu. Each of these menus contains the following items: • Name • Code • Unit • Kind • Created • Revised • Marked • Loc.fact. • a • b • c • Correl. • Distrib. • Symbol • Algortm. • Oper. 1 • Oper. 2 • Stoch. • Sim. • Crit. • Sens. • S.fact. • Input • Local • Output Most of these attributes are “owned” by the “ego” objects. If an alias is present in a node table, the corresponding row in the table contains attributes copied from the its “ego” node. Moreover, if you edit the contents of such a row, the new attributes are stored in the “ego” node. There are, however, some exceptions from this rule: The following attributes are properties of the “local” object, even if this is an alias: • Marked • Sim. • Crit. • Sens. • S.fact. The “Marked” attribute is a property which is used when you perform sophisticated search operations on the model, by using the “Find node…” command. The “Marked” attribute is an “on/off” property: A node is either marked or unmarked. During a search through a model, you can let DynRisk mark all nodes satisfying a specific criterion. Then you can refine the search further by doing a new search among the marked objects, etc. The “Sim.”, “Crit.” and “Sens.” attributes are used when you specify which nodes you want to store on file during a simulation, and which nodes you want to run a criticality and sensitivity simulation on. The “S.fact.” attributes are factors used in the sensitivity calculations. More specifically, the sensitivity of a node is calculated by measuring the effect of multiplying the node value by the “S.fact.” value on a specified “goal node”. The node table heading menus also contain three items which are not really attributes at all. These are: • Input • Local • Output If you include these in a node table, the resulting table columns will be empty until you run a test simulation on the folder, by using the “Test model” command in the “Model” menu. In rows corresponding to objects with the “Sim.” attribute is turned “on”, you will then see the results of the test simulation. In particular, the “Input” column will contain the input value of the node, i.e., the value obtained by combining the values passed on to the node from its predecessors. The “Local” column will display the local value of the node. Finally, the “Output” column will display the output value of the node, i.e., the value obtained by combining the input value and the local value of the node. The values shown in these columns are not stored permanently inside the nodes. As soon as you run another test simulation, or simply close the folder, all the values are gone.